Yeah, it's all about him!
Got Family?
Mom and Dad get the halfway done update.
Mom, Lauren, and Grandma March.
Papa March.
Wonder twin powers....we wish Charlie better with strong intentions!
Word that the port was done, getting ready for the LP.
Concerned father, working off some anxiety.
Joey giving his very popular lecture on the health benefits of fast food.
Those two....always turns to talking shop.
Uncle Zach is wiped out.
Aunt Re working the phones! Everybody wants the updates...
So glad to hear everything is going well. Keep the updates and pictures coming, and give that beautiful boy hugs from us! (Because I'm sure there's a lack of that going on down there...:)
Love, Avery, Megan & Ellis
hey matt!
i just wanted to drop and say that charlie is running through my head all day during school. and i'm so glad this blog was set up so i could tell you that my deepest hopes are going to charlie.
best of luck :)
Just wanted to let you know that we are all thinking of you! Take care of that little man. He is in our prayers.
Love always,
Jamie, Dave, Addison and Annabelle
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