Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Surgery Successful!

Charlie has come out of surgery without complications. Maybe a little cranky as the anasthesia wore off, but feeling better now. He got his first dose of intrathecal chemo during the procedure, that means in the sac that contains the spinal cord! He gets his first dose through the IV a little later this evening. We are told that will be rather uneventful, but I think everyone is ok with that. The oncologist came and spoke to everyone and answered questions, she is super nice and very informative. Good thing, because they will see a lot of her over the next three years! I better go get some updates myself, until then.....


Joanne said...

YAY! So thankful that surgery went well. You will remain in our prayers and thoughts, stay strong Matt!

Joanne said...

(The previous comment is from Meg & Ave...I'm on my parents' computer!:)

Unknown said...

No biggie on the crankiness Charlie, I'm quite cranky when I wake up after a nap. So happy things are falling in order without complications. Looks like prayers are making there way upwards and finding a rock solid resting place. The prayers will continue to come. Talk to you soon Matt.