Thursday, September 18, 2008

Day Four

Well, Charlie has had a pretty rough morning. Last night coming off the anasthesia we saw a side of Charlie rarely (if ever) seen: the cranky Charlie. Pretty fitful, itchy and downright uncomfortable. Coming off the pain meds and dealing with the new port in his chest, I'd say he dealt with it a lot better than I would have! He had his first systemic chemo last night, dripped in and uneventful, as they had told us it would be. Once he got to sleep he did get decent sleep for a bit. He also started steroids and this mornings orneryness may be attributable to that, or likely just the discomfort associated with the recent procedures. It is 10:00 am now and he just fell asleep. Lauren had them mute all the monitors in the room and we all hope he can rest for a bit. It is really impressive to see how Matt and Lauren hold themselves together and present a solid parental front for Charlie to pull strength from.

Matt and Lauren will be getting a Master's degree in Leukemia over the next few days. Learning to read and interpret the blood counts, how to discern the subtleties of good and bad days for Charlie, what to expect from the course of treatment and skills to manage the schedule that has just become their life for the next three years. Charlie will be under close observation to see that his response to the initial chemo is appropriate and there is a chance he could go home on Sunday.


Cari Hart said...

Props to Matt and Lauren. You two are amazing individuals. Charlie is lucky to have such loving parents. You two are doing great... hang in there!!!

Megan said...

Home on Sunday! What a week...we'll continue sending positive thoughts and heartfelt prayers your way. Hang in there, Matt & Lauren. So proud of YOU TWO, I can't even imagine. All our love...Avery, Megan & Ellis

ginger said...

Wow! What great news! Congratulations to you Matty and Lauren for being so strong and so THERE for Charlie. What a family, all of you. You are so fortunate to have such a wonderful family full of love and support. Good luck on your new Degree! You'll handle it with ease, I am certain.

Mia Den Uyl said...

Wow Charlie is a little angel! Matt and Lauren, you are pure medicine for him. You two are filled with so much strength. Wishing you all my best through these hard times. I am thinking of you all...

Much Love,

Anonymous said...

Sweet Baby Charlie we are wishing you a speedy recovery. You and your entire family are in our constant thoughts and prayer. We send you thousand of hugs and kisses little angel!
The Villa Del Norte Staff-Gary, Sam, Mayra, Jorje, Juean & Julie

Unknown said...

hey gibson clan!!!
i can only imagine that you have taken over that hospital!
charlie is obviously loved!

and consider me doing my part in praying for him (and you)!

hoflands are keeping me in the loop...

hang in there,
Holly Le Blanc

Unknown said...

Charlie...hang in there buddy! We're friends of your Britt cousins and are praying like crazy for you!! Hope you enjoy some good TV time!

Matt and Lauren...Sounds like Dave has been an asset as you're getting quite a Leukemia crash course. I always wondered why Dave was called a "Dr." when all he does is give good massages!!! We're praying you guys feel peace and comfort as you walk this journey with Charlie.

Becky said...

Cheers for Charlie from your Moline cousins!! Our thoughts and prayers are with you!


The Smithers Families

slgrant said...

You and Lauren are both doing a great job being strong for Charlie. It looks like you both have such great families to help you through this. Please know that me, and my entire family, are keeping you guys in our thoughts. -Seth, Austine, Carter, Lincoln, and Kennedy Grant

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a week! We are so happy to hear that things are going as well as possible for Charlie. So much love coming your way.....
Mary, Ludo, Phoebe & Max

Marla0616 said...

Your family is in my thoughts and prayers, I wish all you the best. --Marla

Kati Hart said...

That picture of Charlie with the perfect green apple makes me think of all the divinely simple aspects of life that we so often take for granted. A is for Apple, B is for Boy, and C is for Charlie, oh Charlie. How we all love you and your family! I wish we could count the ways. There are not enough numbers in the universe and the depth goes on past infinity. Lauren and Matt, you brought this precious being into ALL of our lives and you have done an exceptional job as parents. We all support you 100%. I feel so proud knowing such strong, caring, and faithful people. You are an example to us all and I can honestly say you have given me a gift. The gift of realization-that we are a combination of our experiences, environment, and all the people that hold us up when we feel like falling to our knees. I am sorry that you and your son have to go through this very painful time and I am sure your emotions have run full circle...but the underlying emotion that really drives all of us is eternally present-unconditional love. Amazing. Hugs, kisses, and huge thank you for opening my eyes. You two are blessed and Charlie is an angel.